080 4208 3480 | 080 6646 9442



About Us

R M RAO & Associates is an audit firm started by CA Mallikharjuna Rao Ramu (Founder) in Sep '2015, to provide and deliver best practices to the clients in the areas of Internal Audit, Statutory Audit, Taxation and various advisory functions and also to stand-in the values of the clients business in terms of integrity, credibility and transparency.

Firm's Registration Number - (FRN): 016362S

Our Values, Goals and Methodology

Building trust and relationship is utmost in all our actions. We firmly believe that integrity has no substitute. We are constantly in pursuit of par excellence. To be the frontrunners in our field is a burning desire. Every assignment at our firm is under the direct charge of a senior Qualified Accountant, whose responsibility is to be a mentor, guide and supervisor to the engagement team. Every member of the engagement team is encouraged to be innovative and research oriented. Team members are not only hard working but are intelligent working professionals. Each process of an assignment is subjected to critical evaluation with a fault-finding objective to ensure that the client deliverables are top notch, error free and the best in class.

Our Expertise & Services to Clients

  • We have the dedicated staff & trained people who worked corporates for the last 15Yrs. Well versed with all regulatory requirement of the industry;
  • Internal Audits for the FMCG companies, Particularly Liquor & Brewery Industries Experience of performing Internal audit function for about 85 no's Bottling & Distilleries units and 6 nos of Brewery units across India. Specialised in LASP /LBP & RASP Scheme settlements and well versed with Sales and marketing functions of the industry (well versed with most of the state's function of LASP/LBP settlement).
  • Taking care of end to end complete accounting outsourcing for the clients.
  • Conducting the Physical verification of the Inventory & Assets
  • Investigation Audits.
  • Fund raising activities - (Preparation of the financial projections & forecasting to the bankers)
  • CA Certification works;
  • Filing the monthly / quarterly / yearly returns
    • Income Tax returns (including Tax audits)
    • GST returns
    • Quarterly TDS returns
    • Sales tax returns and
  • Startup activities such as;
    • Incorporation of companies / LLP
    • Formation of HUF, firms and Registrations of GST etc.;
  • Helping the clients in all end to end activities of accounting, Taxation and auditing;
  • Providing the manpower for the Finance & Accounting function.
  • Payroll management

Reach me: CA Mallikharjuna Rao ramu, Partner of R M Rao & Associates
Mobile No: 097399 61750 | 93980 88012
E-mail: mallikharjun.ramu@gmail.com | ca@rmrao.com

Mr. Mallikharjuna Rao Ramu, B. Com, FCA (M No.223519) - PARTNER .
EDUCATION: Chartered Accountancy (CA), from ICAI, in November 2007 with First attempt
Company Secretary (CS Inter), June 2007, from ICSI.

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